
How Much Does Paintball Cost?


This article will enlighten you with information about how much does paintball cost. The paintball cost is bisected into two halves and includes the initial and recurring cost of paintballing. 

Paintball is not just any ordinary sport but is a hobby of millions around the world. This sport conventionally involves two teams competing with each other on the battlefield. One of which becomes victorious by exhibiting exceptional skills throughout the game.

Paintball attire is also a very important part of paintball games that why we always recommend you to wear proper clothes that are made for paintball and wear good quality paintball masks for the safety of your face.


Check out our other detailed reviews of best paintball guns under $300,  under $200, and best beginner paintball guns.

The teams are well equipped with essential paintball equipment which primarily includes paintballs itself, paintball gun, paintball masks, and other vital essentials. Many enthusiasts worry about the initial cost of paintball but neglect the recurring cost. 

If you are a newbie in paintballing, then this article might be of great help to you. This will guide all the expenditures and will tell exactly how much does paintballing cost. 


paintballing in houstan

Table of content

Initial cost

The initial cost is the cost borne by the player once before even getting into the field. It is the essential cost for which the player buys equipment. The necessary equipment may include a paintball gun of your choice, mask, and precautionary gear. You can also invest in a paintball specific kit that provides for other essentials. 

The sum of this will be your initial cost which purely depends on what purchases are you going to make and what variants are you selecting.

If you are passionate about paintballing and planning to invest more time in this sport then dedicating some bucks for this is a good idea. 

Paintball enthusiasts are well aware of the significance and ease of having their guns. Playing with a gun that you are not aware of can cause intricacy on the battlefield. It is better to make your purchase and save rentals for the rest of your life. 


Basic pump pack

Recurring cost of paintballing, unlike the initial cost occurs every time you plan to play paintball. Often the recurring fee is considered the cost of playing. This cost cannot be forsaken because you need to bear this to bring the sport in action. 

What makes up the recurring cost is the rent or fee for the ground in which you plan to play. Others may include the cost of paintballs and the air. The air and paintballs are available at different prices, and you can buy according to your preference. 

The air is retailed in canisters, and a variety of these are available in the market. Previously the players were bound to play using CO2, but now they have found compressed air as a replacement which is more environmentally friendly.

Some guns have a pump in them which needs to be refilled numerous times with CO2. The cost of refills is also a part of the recurring fee. These small canisters of CO2 are readily available in some fields. You just have to pay for them there and then as per your usage. 

Paintballs are up for grabs in different qualities and sizes. They are starting from as low as .50 caliber round further extending to .68 caliber round. The thickness of the paint and size of the shell varies, and prices are set accordingly. 

If you are someone who passionately plays paintball regularly, you can wisely make your purchase of paintballs in bulk and save the right amount of money. 


Basic-Equipment-Needed for paintball

Some of the necessary Paintball equipment needed

Finally, you have a basic idea of how much does paintball costs and what’s the price of paintball with the help of an estimate of initial and recurring costs. This is the first expense, but you might want to spend on some essential equipment too. 



Basic pump pack

A basic pump pack is a great deal for beginners. If you are new to this game and are reluctant to spend a substantial amount of money the basic pump pack is all you need. It includes a plastic pump gun, mask, and CO2 canisters. 

You can start with one of these as you just have to spend around $30-$50 on these. The quality is somehow compromised but is great for learners. You can later invest in advance equipment once you are a pro in paintballing.

This basic pump pack will allow you to practice the sport without worrying about any damage to equipment. This is a wise decision to boundless money initially and save yourself from losses. 

Primary or high-end equipment

Once you decide to dedicate your time to this sport, the next important decision is to invest money in either high end or basic equipment. You are free to choose between the two. 

An essential equipment kit may cost you around $30-$50, as discussed before. A professional equipment kit, on the other hand, may cost you about $100 at a basic entry-level. The price may go up to $2000 depending on the model of guns and the quality of equipment at higher levels. 

Often the players decide to customize their guns and equipment according to personal preference. This allows them to modify the circuit and guns. Some players like to spend on customized jerseys, pants, and high-end protection gear.

Paintball players sometimes decide to buy equipment separately rather than purchasing a kit. What they do is they are purchasing CO2 canisters, masks, guns, and other gear separately to minimize the cost. 

The cost of all these items individually gives a reasonable estimate about how much does paintball cost. The CO2 pumps cost around $12 each. The price of hoppers starts from $5, and masks can be bought for as low as $20. 

You can simply choose a gun of your choice and buy all these items separately to customize your kit. This customized kit can later be upgraded whenever you want. 

Now that you are well aware of the cost of both primary and high-end equipment, you can decide wisely. 


Air plays a vital role in this sport. You need to have Air tanks to play paintball. These tanks exhaust quickly, and you will have to refill them frequently. The containers can be filled with both CO2 and compressed gas. 

CO2 is comparatively cheaper, but compressed gas is preferred to eliminate pollution. You can get it filled quickly from several stores. The starting price of the refill is $3. This gets higher depending on the capacity of the tank.

If you are unwilling to pay for refills continually, you can invest one time in a full-sized CO2 tank. With this, you will be able to refill tanks as per requirement. You can also choose to get it refilled only when it’s needed. 


As the name paintball suggests, this game cannot be played without paint. Paintballs enable you to shoot and experience amusement on the battlefield. Paint for paintballing is also available in different price ranges. 

The paint should be non-toxic and bright colored. At times it has metallic flakes in it. Good quality paint is preferred as it is hard for the other team to hide. Paints are available both in bulk and in smaller quantities. 

The player is free to choose between economical paints or the expensive high-end ones. If you are a newbie, it is advisable to go for inexpensive paints. Similarly, if you play professionally in fields, you might invest in suitable quality paints.

The price starts from $30 for 2000 paints and can go up to $80 for a similar quantity. The quality will undeniably vary. The required number of paints will fluctuate according to the shooting rounds. 


Once you are all geared up and well equipped for the game, you need a field to start. The area is provided for a fixed amount of money charged as a fee. Like everything else you also have a choice in fields. 

The fee for a primary field revolves around $10 – $25. Contrastingly if you decide to play in a professional area, it might cost you way more than this. 


Paintball is an action-packed sport full of thrill before which you need to compose yourself with the necessary equipment. Now that you know how much does paintball cost, you can start collecting essentials for the game.

You need to have proper clothing, protective gear and equipment to be a part of this sport. Different variants are available for almost everything you require for paintball. It is your decision to choose wisely among the tools and gears as per requirements. 

This article provides you with knowledge of almost all the costs incurred. Initial cost and recurring cost both make up the total cost for paintballing. Paintball can cost you more or less depending exclusively on the equipment you preferably buy.